Kamis, 03 Juni 2021

Panda Mafia

Panda Mafia

PandaMafia is a social experiment on the Polygon chain which is mainly community driven. With a 10% tax going towards LP and a 1% yield, liquidity and rewards will go hand in hand.


Out of the 11% tax per transaction, 1% will go as instant yield to holders. Earn as you hold.


10% of the tax goes towards liquidity to provide stability during corrections and when whales sell large positions.


The community will be the backbone of the project, they will get to decide the direction of the project and future developments.


50% of daily generated liquidity will be used for marketing/development.



CONTRACT: 0X49B94B35A1FDDE749F740DFDEE7545B72C943B6E



Diluted Supply


Market Capitalisation



PandaMafia Tokens On Polygon Chain
Here at PandaMafia, we believe in transparency. Any information can be checked on Matic Explorer Mainnet

Ticker: $PANDAMA

Circulating Supply: 100,000,000

Taxation:11% Tax, 1% Yield, 10% LP Aquisition

Contract: 0x49B94b35A1fddE749f740DfdeE7545b72C943b6E

View Contract Code









Author: Aprilia Azani


Sugar Factory

Sugar Factory


Sugar Factory is a decentralized exchange protocol which allows users to swap trust-less tokens within the Binance Smart Chain focusing on the Entertainment sector. One of our strategic visions within Sugar Factory is to create monetary incentives for the most committed and motivated users. Our unique goal to discover, guide and to invest in artists for their transition into the blockchain.


We are convinced that we can create a link between new technologies within Music and Art , by doing so we can pave the way for a complete new system. Sugar Factory aims to create an interactive and playful experience for all users in order to strengthen the community in the long run. By becoming a part of the Sugar Factory and lending funds through the magic of smart contracts, you will not only earn tokens but also be a part of changing the interaction between the Music and art business.



1. Can the entertainment industry & blockchain technology unite to realize a brighter future for independent artists?

2. Is the Blockchain a field for Music’s potential crypto Boom?

3. When, where and how can the Blockchain ultimately bring more power to individual artists?


PreSale Predictions:

Total Supply: 10,000,000,000

Presale Rate: 1 BNB = 30, 000, 000

Soft/Hard Cap: 75 / 100

Contribution Limits: Minimun 0.2 BNB / Maximum 2 BNB

PancakeSwap Liquidity: 60% (locked)

PancakeSwap Listing Rate: 1 BNB = 20, 000, 000

Presale: 2021/06/19 12:00 (GMT) ==> End 14:00 (GMT)

Liquidity Lockup Time: 2022/06/19 17:00 (GMT)


DxSale Deployer Requirements: 4,260,000,000 SGFuel tokens

Listing Predictions:

Burn & Fees Mechanism:

MANUAL BURN AT LAUNCH: 520,000,000 SGFuel Tokens

Weekly Burn: 0.10% to 0.20% of the SuGarFuel Token supply

Airdrops & Giveaway: 0.01% to 0.03% of SGFuel weekly burn

Taxes Fees: 10%


Fees Repartitions:

4.5% ==> to liquidity pool

3.5% ==> to SGFuel holders

2.5% ==> to Dev & Team expenses


In conclusion:

1. Liquidi ty providers get a return based on the amount of liquidi ty they are providing into the pool as rewards.

2. SugarFactoryBsc aims to incent ivize i ts communi ty.

3. The SugarFactory exchange will close the gap between ar t and technology. 


Roadmap Release

Based on our staking and reward projections, we will allocate a fair amount of tokens on staking rewards. This will incentivize stakers to hold their tokens during the early stage of the Sugar Factory development. In addition more features will be launched and revealed with the release of our Roadmap.


To conclude

In a later stages we will hold a program where our community can choose how we will contribute and share our success through charitable donations.


For More Information Sugar Factory project:

Website: https://sugarfactorybsc.io/

Whitepaper: https://sugarfactorybsc.io/whitepaper

Telegram: https://t.me/SugarFactoryBsc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sugarfactorybsc/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gbeCSS18UsmroJg8C9FEQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SugarFactoryBSC

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SugarFactoryBSC



Forum Username: Aprilia Azani

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851010

Telegram Username: @ApriliaAzani

ETH Wallet Address: 0xEA828C618E87eDA800371702b47E0e625c0CF2Dd



Qu'est-ce que Bela Token
Bela, permet à quiconque, indépendamment de sa richesse ou de son emplacement, de gagner un revenu passif liquide en utilisant les contrats Binance Chain Smart. Tenez votre portefeuille et gagnez.


Gardez les jetons Bela dans votre portefeuille pour gagner plus et générer des revenus grâce aux frais de transaction. Chaque transaction comme acheter, vendre vous récompensera directement dans votre portefeuille


Lorsque vous êtes nouveau dans les actifs cryptographiques, vous entendrez souvent le terme jeton. Ensuite, que sont les jetons dans les actifs cryptographiques? Avant d'en savoir plus sur ce qu'est un jeton dans les actifs cryptographiques, nous connaissons d'abord la définition du terme jeton. Les jetons sont des actifs cryptographiques créés par des développeurs qui seront ultérieurement nécessaires pour utiliser le logiciel basé sur la blockchain qu'ils construisent.


Bela, permet à quiconque, indépendamment de sa richesse ou de son emplacement, de gagner un revenu passif liquide en utilisant les contrats Binance Chain Smart. Tenez votre portefeuille et gagnez.


Gardez les jetons Bela dans votre portefeuille pour gagner plus et générer des revenus grâce aux frais de transaction. Chaque transaction comme acheter, vendre vous récompensera directement dans votre portefeuille.


Qu'est-ce que Bela Token
Bela, permet à quiconque, indépendamment de sa richesse ou de son emplacement, de gagner un revenu passif liquide en utilisant les contrats Binance Chain Smart. Tenez votre portefeuille et gagnez.


Gardez les jetons Bela dans votre portefeuille pour gagner plus et générer des revenus grâce aux frais de transaction. Chaque transaction comme acheter, vendre vous récompensera directement dans votre portefeuille


Pourquoi détenir un jeton?
Gardez les jetons Bela dans votre portefeuille pour gagner plus et générer des revenus grâce aux frais de transaction. Chaque transaction comme acheter, vendre vous récompensera directement dans votre portefeuille.

1. Apprécier les détenteurs
Chaque transaction est soumise à une taxe de 5%, dont 3% sont répartis entre les détenteurs et 2% sont brûlés et retirés du stock.

2. Distribution équitable
Le coût des revenus que vous recevez dans votre portefeuille sera calculé en fonction du nombre de jetons Bela que vous détenez dans votre portefeuille par rapport aux autres détenteurs, cela augmente votre pouvoir de gain!

3. Structure d'incitation
Avec une forte combinaison de brûlage de l'offre, de taxe sur les transactions et d'attribution de détenteurs de jetons Bela via des contrats intelligents, Bela est en passe de générer des bénéfices à long terme.

4. Contrats décentralisés
Toutes les récompenses de jetons Bela sont gérées et exécutées par un contrat intelligent qui fournit au titulaire des frais de revenu automatiquement et en toute sécurité.


Emprunter et emprunter
Empruntez des crypto-monnaies en utilisant votre jeton Bela comme garantie et obtenez des frais de transaction en même temps!

Les graphiques
DEX riches en fonctionnalités de Bela Charts Next Generation seront lancés et intégrés à la plate-forme Bela.

Liquidité des pools et fermes
Obtenez un flux de revenus cohérent provenant d'autres pools de fermes populaires directement à partir du tableau de bord utilisateur Bela.

Defend Analytics
Suivez vos gains de jetons Bela et d'autres métriques de données Defi / crypto à partir d'un simple tableau de bord.


Tenez simplement le jeton Bela dans votre portefeuille pour obtenir plus de revenus grâce aux frais de transaction.

0,1 M $

Bela est un jeton déflationniste, ce qui signifie que l'offre est constamment réduite à mesure que les transactions sont traitées par la blockchain. Apprenez-en plus ci-dessous.

5% de taxe par transaction
3% de distribution entre les détenteurs
2% de
coûts de combustion et d'élimination des approvisionnements répartis en temps réel
Taxe sur l'achat et la vente d'
offre de déflation de 1 quadrillion


En savoir plus sur l'avenir de Bela
Avril 2021

Bela Token Lancement

Avril 2021
En cours
Pré-vente (OIT) sur Unicrypt
Bela jeton OIT pré-vente sera en direct sur Unicrypt avec des jetons invendus brûlés par Smart contrat.

Mai 2021
En cours
Lisitng sur Pancakeswap
Inscription instantanée sur Pancakeswap immédiatement après l'inscription.

Mai 2021
En cours de
vérification Bela contrats intelligents
Nous engagerons à deux vérificateurs contractuels intelligents pour la vérification de nos contrats intelligents immédiatement après pré-vente.

Mai 2021
En cours
1000 détenteurs de jetons Bela
Atteignez les 1000 premières adresses de détention de la chaîne intelligente Binance.

Juin 2021
En cours
Liste des
listes CoinGecko et CMC Jeton Bela sur CMC et CoinGecko.

Juin 2021
En cours
Première lecture d'échange
Nous listerons un des 30 meilleurs échanges CEX.

Juillet 2021 Version initiale de la fonctionnalité
In Progress
Nous publierons la première fonctionnalité du tableau de bord Bela pour les utilisateurs bêta (détenteurs de jetons)



Site Web:  https://belatoken.org/

Télégramme:  https://t.me/belatokenorg

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/BelaTokenOrg

Github:  https://github.com/BelaOrganisation

ANN:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5333094.0



Nom d'utilisateur Bitcointalk: Aprilia Azani

URL Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851010

Nom d'utilisateur du télégramme: @ApriliaAzani

Portefeuille Bep20: 0xEA828C618E87eDA800371702b47E0e625c0CF2Dd

Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

Whole Earth Foundation

Whole Earth Foundation

Die Zukunft des demokratisierten Infrastrukturmanagements

When we examine the world broadly, we see a growing issue of aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, service providers governing these infrastructure assets have not always adequately maintained and renewed the facilities they manage. Take, for example, the aging water infrastructure of the United States, where it is estimated that approximately 1 trillion USD in capital investment will be required to replace all water pipes by the year 2050 (AWWA). Most water pipe infrastructure in the United States was installed between the late 1800s and 1970s, so most of it is at least 40 years old, with a large fraction being 60-80 years old. With the useful life of most types of water pipes somewhere in the range of 60-100 years, increasingly more of the existing pipes will have to be replaced. Most citizens, however, are not fully aware of this situation or the reality that they will carry the burden of this cost in the form of increased water bills. This problem is not unique to the US; most of Europe has even older pipe systems, and similar issues exist in most countries worldwide.


When we examine the world broadly, we see a growing issue of aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, service providers governing these infrastructure assets have not always adequately maintained and renewed the facilities they manage.


Imbalanced access to information between service providers and citizens
The lack of general incentive among parties to challenge the status quo


Help the database grow, earn tokens for your contributions
What you earn will fluctuate based on how much you contributed to help improve infrastructure
Become engaged with your community, and collaborate with service providers to build a smarter infrastructure


Whole Earth Access (WEA) comprises the following three key groups:
Information Providers
Information providers (mainly general citizens) can access the environmental database and contribute data to earn utility tokens.
Infrastructure Service Providers
Infrastructure service providers can utilize the environmental database and tools created by third-party developers to improve development projects’ efficiency.
Partners can access the environmental database to develop novel tools that benefit the infrastructure and the environment, help publicize our project and vision to the world, and much more.


WEA platform tools to build and utilize the environmental database

Create reports about the condition of your local infrastructure, sharing the latest information with the community
Use intelligent machine learning applications powered by the environmental database to obtain predictive insight about local infrastructure and make smarter decisions


Reduce maintenance costs and maximize water savings!

Build smarter, more energy-efficient buildings!

and Many More!
We are constantly looking for new and creative ideas. Contact us to get involved!

Preserving and Creating Resources
An important part of implementing this approach is a method for measuring the value of the information provided. We hope you have enjoyed the introduction of our project. For more information and updates on the project, please follow our website. We also regularly provide information on social media


Detailed information:

Website: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/

Whitepaper: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/WEF-whitepaper_v1.0.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/WholeEarthFoundation

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WholeEarthFdn

Media: https://medium.com/wholeearthfoundation

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WholeEarthFoundation/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WholeEarthFoundation



Forum Username: Aprilia Azani

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851010

Telegram Username: @ApriliaAzani

ETH Wallet Address: 0xEA828C618E87eDA800371702b47E0e625c0CF2Dd

Base Reward Token — Desensitized Finance Ecosystem Protocol

Base Reward Token — Desensitized Finance Ecosystem Protocol

Decentralized finance is an open financial system built on blockchain technology which has a decentralized nature. The Base Reward Ecosystem core idea is to combine cryptocurrency, blockchain technology and different businesses in one place to get users rewarded for their loyalty. And blockchain development a different associations in a solitary spot to get customers made up for their immovability and become accomplices that share in pay and participate in unique as Base Reward Token Holder. Base reward tokens provide the best service and all can be obtained on one platform.

Instant exchange between cryptos with a very fast time with many choices of Cryptocurrencies, it is hoped that investors and traders can have many choices that are expected and at very low costs to maximize profits.


Base Reward Token Ecosystem
Base Reward Token Ecosystem is a decentralized Finance ecosystem has been designed to integrate and expand its services across the globe, without any restriction and limitation. Creating an effective and efficient decentralized digital one-stop-shop marketplace economy with a stable economic growth Base Reward ecosystem powered by blockchain and cryptocurrency Base Reward Token. Achieving real world value.


Base Reward Token’s platform is a marketplace, one that has so many segments purchases and transactions can be carried out on. BRT allows its token holders to have access to a number of online purchases giving them the opportunity to earn token rewards in every transaction. Individuals and clients of the online information stage need to profit and make benefits from the pieces of information been shared rather offering it to under-served stage and individuals for nothing. Reloadable virtual cards are a square measure, neither easy to access nor cheap among online users The United Nations Agency wishes to remain anonymous on the web. The basic reward token can bridge the gap between cost and paperwork to provide a safe and easy offer through online browsing and interaction across the continent and around the world.


Services of (BRT) Base reward tokens
BRT holders will be able to use the token and make purchases of products and services within the ecosystem. BRT will give it holder the possibility to pay some of Base Reward services at the beginning and all its services in the future using

Instant Exchanger services

The Instant Exchanger is an Automatically currency exchanger with instant swapping between crypto with fees as low as 0.5%
Mobile Gaming services

The Base Reward Token core team aims to be part of this revolution by allowing the purchase and download of mobile games on their platform at a stipulated fee, using Base Reward Token.
Ecommerce platform services

RBT intended to take advantage of the ecommerce young market to gain market share in e-commerce by creating most prominent marketplaces such as eBay where vendors and buyers can easily meet their needs, bids, and transactions safely securely.
Visa/Master Card prepaid services

Cards for online shopping and acceptable worldwide at any atm and received points for every single transaction, not based on single transaction volume but based on recurring volume. Users can redeem points for BRT token.


Benefits of (BRT) Base reward tokens
The BRT token base reward will be the main asset representing all Base reward Ecosystem activities. (BRT) token all used benefits

Visa/Master One time or multiples use of the card.
Cards for online shopping and acceptable worldwide at any atm.
Cryptos with fees as low as 0.5%. Buy cryptocurrencies with credit card / debit card instantly and fast delivery.
every transaction made on our exchange platform, the user will receive 50% of fees in BRT
Base Reward Token is holding a piece of its services, so it is Everyone’s Business.
60% of the ecosystem fees will be redistributed all token holders by providing liquidity
Base Reward Token allows the token holder access to a variety of online purchases and earn a token on every transaction.

tha investors and traders can have many choices that are expected and at very low costs to maximize their profit on the crypto market simply and safely.

Token details
Token Name: Base Reward Token
Token Ticker: BRT
Decimal: 18
Blockchain Technology: SMART CHAIN (BEP-20)
Token Type: Utility Token
Contract Address: 0xfa87b870e751179bef7dcada8c18fc5ca4a37bb0


Hard and fast supply: 12 million tokens.
The hard and fast stock is surprisingly limited to 12 million tokens. Current inventory is the total number of tokens owned by holders, dropped by air, owned by accessories, collected, and owned by authors. BRT streaming stock may be less than 2 million after prior arrangement. Likewise, we have a buy and burnout program.



Early Q1 2018 Technical Consultation for various service with experts
Early Q1 2019 Development of Tokenomics and Ecosystem
Early Q1 2020 The building of automatic exchanger
Late Q3 2020 Launched of automated exchanger services
Late Q4 2020 Beginning of airdrop and round 1

Late Q1 2021 Launch of card services.
Release of Ecosystem mobile app
Early Q2 2021 Token distribution event.
Staking event.
late Q2 2021 Activation of monthly liquidity.
Late Q4 2021 Token USE CASE activation.
Late Q4 2021 Growth and expansion of launched services.
Early Q1 2022 Work in progress on other services and more


This platform provide all the necessary information about an asset, exchange or any cryptocurrency related establishment. The extensive team members above also show that the management is aiming for excellence. It will connect investors of all classes and Fund Managers in a Decentralized presenting Get involved in this phenomenal project today !

Team Members
Brandon Che

Ahmed Ali
Blockchain and Web Full Stack Developer
Hermann Taleu
Marketing Manager
Vukwensi Edith
Financial Controller
Teboh Capwel
Social Media Manager
Mbah Ruth Micheal
Head of Technical Support


The official project social media website :

Website: https://basereward.online/

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KNSbrk3Y_9aa9zb0lbLZGB3cnfr8P8Cf/view?usp=sharing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/baserewardtoken
Telegram: https://t.me/BASEREWARDOFFICIAL
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/base-reward-token

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwGhxoP3URH---QSnfF7XoQ


Forum Username: Aprilia Azani
Forum profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851010

Telegram Username: @ApriliaAzani
BEP20 : 0xEA828C618E87eDA800371702b47E0e625c0CF2Dd